
Scarface Money Power Respect-PSP美版代購

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80 年代美國古巴新移民的黑社會奮鬥史,玩家將有機會親自成為 Tony,勇闖 80 年代的美國黑社會博得一席之地。


Travel through the steamy violent streets of Miami to the Florida Keys & the Bahamas -- smuggling drugs, avoiding rivals and the DEA as they rebuild a fallen empire

Players will have both an aggressive and passive mode - negotiate business deals, intimidate those around them or escalate into a battle as they encounter a world full of seedy and dangerous characters

Experience the explosive personality of Tony as they wage battle against enemies attempting to do him harm. Use various motor vehicles and smuggle contraband to and from various locals with a variety of ocean and air vehicles

Shoot weapons from a variety of vehicles to eliminate enemies in hot pursuit


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